KAS prides itself in assisting those individuals on the Autism Spectrum to experience a fulfilling life utilizing family, friends and client –specific counseling. Through programs and activities KAS provides the opportunity for individuals, organizations, and employers to have more knowledge about those on the Autism Spectrum and how they can become valuable team members, employees and productive members of the Community.
Individuals on the Spectrum may need help in overcoming the hurdles to achieve their goals and dreams. KAS advocates at every opportunity to ensure each individual has the chance to improve their socialization skills, pursue employment, and achieve the skills necessary for independent living.
KaleidAScope has several options and programs available to assist individuals with Autism Spectrum profiles to improve social-relational skills. Skill enhancement is offered through individual and group therapies which focus on all skills from basic to more specific needs. Social skills can also be leaned and practiced through KaleidAScope’s Community Inclusion services financed by the PA DHS Adult Autism Waiver Program. KAS also provides opportunities sponsoring social events (link calendar) on a regular basis.
We strive to maximize the potential of every individual, focusing on independence and community integration.
Working with family as a key component of the team, we endeavor to provide the Autistic Community with quality of life.
Our goal is to have each individual embrace their unique talents, skills, and abilities creating a future that can be hopeful, vibrant and satisfying.
KaleidAScope, Inc. is a private non-profit 501(C)(3)
© KaleidAScope. All Rights Reserved. • 4934 Peach Street • Erie, PA 16509 • PHONE: 814.824.4515
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